2017 Section Member Satisfaction Survey

In August 2017, Section 0903 fielded its annual member satisfaction survey. The survey was sent to 538 members, including paid-up members and members who are did not renew but still within ASQ’s six month grace period. A total of 66 responses were received, for a response rate of 12.3%.

Among respondents, 35.4% report being “Satisfied” or “Very Satisfied” with the section. The 95% confidence interval of this statistic is 23.9% to 48.2%.

This value is less than the most recent previous measurement in March 2016, but the difference is not statistically significant. However, year-over-year data since 2011 shows what is undoubtedly a pattern of decreasing satisfaction.

Members who do not hold ASQ certifications are less satisfied at 19.2% than those who hold certifications at 46.2%.

Satisfaction with ASQ overall among respondents is 61.5%, with a 95% confidence interval from 48.6% to 73.3%.

The majority of respondents report that they did not attend a section dinner meeting (59.1%) or section social event (74.2%) in the last 12 months.

The survey included a question on location preference. Among respondents, 36.9% indicated they would be “More Likely” or “Much More Likely” to attend meetings held on the north side of Indianapolis, while 32.3% indicated they would be “Less Likely” or “Much Less Likely” to attend meetings there.

Given that it is desirable to increase the total number of members who attend one or more meetings, a recommendation was made to continue dividing meetings between north and south side locations.

Over 49% of respondents indicated they were either “Likely” or “Very Likely” to attend webinars held at mid-day during the week. Accordingly, a recommendation was made to continue to offer webinars on topics of interest.

Other findings:

  • Members who hold certifications are more satisfied than members who do not.
  • Members who attended three or more section meetings were more satisfied than members who did not.
  • Members who attended section socials are more satisfied than members who did not.
  • Members who joined before 2015 are likely to be more satisfied than those who joined in 2015 or later.
  • Members whose employers consider ASQ certifications in personnel decisions are very likely to be more satisfied than those whose employers do not.

In addition, the survey queried members on their level of interest in specific topics. The ranked list of topics is now being used to guide decisions on topics of meeting presentations and webinars.

Harry Rowe

Voice of the Customer Chair (outgoing)

About Harry Rowe

Consultant and Principal at Rowe Quality Services, ASQ CMQ/OE